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Moonlit Books Parental Permission Form

1) Do you give Moonlit Books permission to print your child's review on our website?
3) Do you give Moonlit Books permission to publish your child's photo as part of their review?

Thank you for completing the Moonlit Books parental permission form. By answering "Yes" to question 1 and submitting this form you are agreeing to Moonlit Books publishing your child's review with the name designated in Question 2. By answering "Yes" to Question 3 and submitting this form you are agreeing to Moonlit Books publishing your child's photo as part of their review.

Moonlit Books is a space to share your thoughts and opinions on the books you love (or don't). Your honest review is a powerful tool in helping other readers make selections. Reviews get books noticed. Your words can be invaluable to a book's overall success.

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